Serving the HDD Industry Since 2004

Mixed Conditions Products

HDD Lube is a vegetable oil-based lubricant that will increase the lubricity of any drilling fluid. Lubricating and cooling the drill string and bore is a primary function of HDD drilling fluids. Adding HDD Lube will improve lubrication in all kinds of ground conditions. This additive will reduce drill pipe torque and lower pull back pressures.

PolyMud is an easy-mixing liquid polymer that will encapsulate clay cuttings and can prevent the clay from sticking to the bit and drill pipe and control clay swelling. PolyMud is a long-chain polymer that when added directly to freshwater drilling fluids will hydrate and coat clay cuttings. PolyMud can be used as a clay-free fluid or with bentonite drilling fluids.

PolyMud Dry is an easy-mixing dry polymer powder that will encapsulate clay cuttings and can prevent the clay from sticking to the bit and drill pipe and control clay swelling. PolyMud Dry is a long-chain polymer that when added directly to freshwater drilling fluids will hydrate and coat clay cuttings. PolyMud Dry should be used as a clay-free fluid and is not recommended for mixing with bentonite fluids.

QuickSticks are wrapped in quick-dissolving tubes that can be put into the drill pipe and pumped downhole to clear clay stuck to the bit and drill pipe. Using QuickSticks will reduce torque and improve the rate of penetration.

This product is considered to be safe for use as a drilling fluid additive when used as directed. Always use this product for the purpose intended and in the dosage range recommended. The user should always consult the Safety Data Sheets provided by DCS Fluid Solutions for all necessary safety information and precautions prior to use. Use of this product in a manner not intended or that in any way contradicts the safety information provided is not recommended and may result in harm to the user

DCS Super Swell is a granular polymer product that will absorb up to 500 times its original volume in water, causing it to swell into a soft form that can help plug formation fractures or fissures and stop inadvertent returns. Super Swell can be used alone or with other LCM.

Magma Fiber is a specially-formulated, extrusion-spun mineral fiber which forms an interlocking matrix. Circulation is restored as Magma Fiber bridges and plugs off voids, fractures and all types of permeable formations. The product provides a strong framework for an extremely durable mud cake.

SwellSticks are a convenient method for applying LCM directly down the drill pipe. SwellSticks are quick-dissolving tubes filled with DCS SuperSwell that can be pumped down the pipe on connections to slow or stop lost circulation and solve IR issues.

AMC GEL™ is a modified, high-quality grade bentonite formulated to ensure a high-quality bentonite mud can be mixed with ease. AMC GEL™ provides viscosity and gelling to most water-based fluids while also contributing to fluid loss control.

SUPER GEL-X is an easy mixing, high viscosity 200 bbl yield freshwater drilling fluid produced from the highest grade Wyoming sodium bentonite. SUPER GEL-X is certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 60, Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals – Health Effects.